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29 Southbury Road, Enfield Town

Redevelopment proposals at 29 Southbury Road, Enfield EN1 1YZ comprising new homes and commercial space are currently at draft design stage. This consultation website has been launched on behalf of Regenta Development Limited, the owners of the site to help local residents, businesses and other interest groups find out more about the emerging plans and provide their feedback.

You can download further information (updated as the consultation and proposals progress), find out about how to join us at our drop-in event and webinar as well as how to contact us with your views or questions. We are here to help our neighbours and the local community get a complete understanding of what Regenta have in mind.

Description of existing site

The 870 sq. m (0.215 acres) site is located on Southbury Road within close walking distance of Enfield Town Railway Station.

The now vacant two-storey pitched roof office building at the site had been occupied previously by a firm of solicitors. The site also includes outbuildings and car parking to its rear and along the frontage of Southbury Road is a low-walled lawned garden with various shrubs.


The site is immediately adjacent to Pinnacle House, a thirteen-storey residential block with a commercial base incorporating various businesses and known as Colman Parade. To the rear of Pinnacle House south west is the nine-storey Powell House, which extends along the railway line.

Immediately to the south of the site is the Royal Mail Sorting Office which is connected to Southbury Road via an access road that runs alongside the site’s eastern boundary.

Savoy Parade, a three-storey development of flatted residential properties above commercial units is located on the western side of the Royal Mail access and has a service yard to its rear.

To the west lies Enfield Town Station buildings and platforms, beyond which is a mixture of residential and commercial properties. The boundary of Enfield Town Conservation Area runs along the western edge of Genotin Road, with a finger of the Conservation Area extending along the old course of the New River on Southbury Road opposite the site.

To the north (behind New River) River Front gives access to some commercial and residential buildings (Lawrence House, Refuge House and Nicholas House), with two residential streets running northwards from Southbury Road.

To the south east lies Tesco and its car park, accessed via the Southbury Road/Willow Road signalised junction.

How does Enfield Council’s New Local Plan see the future of the site and its locality?

The New Local Plan has reached an advanced stage and is currently with an independent inspector for detailed scrutiny. Although not adopted, the emerging plan gives a clear direction of travel for Enfield Town.

The Regenta site is within ‘Area 2.2 Station and Retail Park’ which is considered by the emerging plan as suitable for new tall buildings. The tallest elements are considered best placed at the train station and on a redeveloped Tesco site which would re-provide the supermarket and deliver new homes.

How will the planning and decision-making process work?

Although the New Local Plan will establish the key principles for future development in Enfield Town, any planning application for the site will be assessed and decided by Enfield Council on its own merits. The Council will also carry out its own separate local consultation once the finalised application for the site has been submitted.

The Council will look at key planning issues such as height, scale, massing, design quality, the standard of the proposed homes, the proposed mix of accommodation (including provision for affordable homes), privacy, daylight, access and deliveries, parking, daylight and sunlight effects and environmental sustainability.

We are very happy to talk to neighbours and other interested parties about these issues and any others important to the community as part of our pre-application consultation. We welcome your questions and opinions.

We will consider all feedback received and we will give a public response to the key issues raised with us which might result in amendments to the proposals before they are finalised.

Ultimately the decision on whether the application is acceptable is made by councillors on Enfield’s Planning Committee in the light of a recommendation from the Council’s professional planning officers.

Key features of the proposed development

You can visit our public drop-in session or attend our webinar to get more information on the draft proposals and please visit the downloads section of this website to get the latest documents and visuals. We’ll be updating these as our consultation progresses.

The draft pre-application plans for the site seek to provide 48 homes in a new building which will be 11-storeys at its highest point with a step-down to a ‘shoulder’ of 5-storeys closest to the neighbouring Pinnacle House.

At ground floor level, new commercial space is proposed alongside the residential entrance and this will have a canopy.

A new open public domain forecourt with attractive paving and planting is proposed as a positive and safe contribution to pedestrian connectivity. This would also offer a road-side service delivery bay and potential future cycleway separate from the pedestrian route.

Apart from two car parking spaces dedicated for people with disabilities and accessed off the existing road immediately to west of the site the development is proposed to be car-free given its excellent access to public transport. Internal secure cycle storage will be provided.

At fifth floor level, playspaces and green spaces are proposed for the use of residents.

The design aspirations of the architects are to:

  • Provide a new high-quality development which is the most appropriate for Enfield Town;
  • Introduce new homes which respond successfully to the site’s location and connectivity including a suitable mix of one, two and three-bedroomed properties.
  • Incorporate ground floor commercial uses which work alongside those found in the neighbouring shopping parades;
  • Ensure that high quality living spaces are provided with dual aspects and inset balconies;
  • Provide landscaping and playspace for residents within the development;
  • Complement yet be a distinct contrast with the neighbouring Pinnacle House, adding exemplary new architecture at this key entrance to Enfield Town;
  • Enhance the local streetscape and provide attractive public open space on Southbury Road;
  • Ensure that the new building is sensitive to neighbouring residential amenity, the Conservation Area and sits comfortably in long-distance views;
  • Design a new building that will fit in with the wider town centre regeneration plans set out in Enfield’s emerging Local Plan; and
  • Use durable materials with a high-quality finish that aligns with those found locally, such as red brick.

How to have your say

There are three ways in which you can get involved:

1. Visit our drop-in session on Tuesday 11th February 2025

We will be at the existing building at the site between 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm. Please use the entrance off Southbury Road. Everyone is welcome to attend and we will have draft plans available.

2. Join our live presentation (webinar) on Thursday 13th February 2025

If you can’t make the drop-in session or find it easier, you can join our live presentation (webinar) of the new proposals at 6.30pm via Zoom. You will need to pre-register by clicking the registration button on this website. You’ll need to have the Zoom app on your computer, tablet or smart device – please go to if you do not already have this. We will then send you details on how to join.

3. Contact us through this website

Please use the online form below to contact us. You can also give us your feedback.

If you would like to speak with us direct about the proposals, we have also provided a free to call help line telephone number.

Have your say

We invite you to join the conversation by giving us your thoughts in our feedback form.

Meet with us

We'll be at the existing building on the site on Tuesday 11th February 2025 between 2pm and 7pm if you'd like to meet us and discuss the plans. Please enter via the Southbury Road Entrance.

Click to zoom

View the information panels

Please use the button below to download the panels we showed at our drop-in session held on 11th February 2025.

Watch our webinar

Please click the button below to view a recording of our live presentation via Zoom on Thursday 13th February 2025.

Contact us

You can call us free of charge on 0800 246 5890.

You can also email us at: [email protected].